Ecosystem Management Research Institute
501(c)3 non-profit organization
Founded: 2000
Areas of particular expertise:
Landscape assessments to identify native ecosystem diversity to support ecological sustainability and biodiversity conservation objectives.
Financial Information
Every minute of every day we continue to degrade and convert our native ecosystems - even on the public lands we have set-aside to protect them.
We have a simple mission: to serve the public interest by ensuring we have the tools and knowledge to protect and conserve our natural heritage for future generations. In the face of so many future uncertainties, we believe there is a need for an organization dedicated to describing our native ecosystems and how they have changed, to ensure we have the information we need for restoration, both today and into the future.
The Ecosystem Management Research Institute is governed by a Board of Directors that is responsible for the management and operation of this non-profit organization. EMRI seeks to maintain a balance of ecosystem research and application by selecting both nationally recognized scientists and natural resource managers to its Board of Directors. True to this objective, EMRI's current Board of Directors represent individuals with expertise and interests that will enhance and contribute to the goals of the organization.
Dr. Perry Brown
Provost, University of Montana
Dr. William Wall
Sustainability, Inc.
Dr. Chris Risbrudt
Retired - US Forest Service
Mr. David New
Growing Excellence Inc.
Dr. Wini Kessler
Retired - US Forest Service
Dr. Rick Baydack
Professor, University of Manitoba
Copyright 2019. Ecosystem Management Research Institute. All Rights Reserved.