Reports, Book Chapters, Journal Articles, and Proceedings
- Haufler, J. B., and B. J. Kernohan. 2009. Landscape considerations for conservation planning on private lands. In J. J. Millspaugh and F. R. Thompson, III, editors. Models for planning wildlife conservation in large landscapes. Elsevier, New York, NY.
- Ganguli, A. C., S. Yeats, C. A. Mehl, and J. B. Haufler. 2007. Description of grassland diversity for the Great Plains of North America. Pages A-i-167 in Vodenhal, W. L., and J. B. Haufler, editors. 2007. A grassland conservation plan for prairie grouse. North American Grouse Partnership. Fruita, CA.
- Haufler, J. B,. and A. C. Ganguli. 2007. Benefits of Farm Bill grassland conservation practices to wildlife. Pages 57-70 in J. B. Haufler, editor. Fish and wildlife response to Farm Bill conservation practices. The Wildlife Society Technical Review 07-01. The Wildlife Society. Bethesda, MD.
- Haufler, J. B. 2005. Executive summary. Pages 5-8 in J. B. Haufler, editor. Fish and wildlife benefits of Farm Bill conservation programs: 2000-2005 update. The Wildlife Society Technical Review 05-2. The Wildlife Society. Bethesda, MD.
- Roloff, J.G,. and J.B. Haufler. 2002. Modeling habitat-based viability from organism to population. Pages 673-686 in J.M. Scott, P.J. Hegland, M.L. Morrison, J.B. Haufler, M.G. Raphael, W.A. Wall, R. B. Samson, editors. Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale. Island Press. Washington, DC.
- Sallabanks R., B.G. Marcot, R.A. Riggs, C.A. Mehl, and E.B. Arnet. 2001. Wildlife of Eastside (Interior) Forests and Woodlands. Pages 213-238 in D.H. Johnson and T.A. O'Neil, editors. Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Press. Corvallis, OR.
- Haufler, J.B., C.A. Mehl, and G.J. Roloff. 2000. A process for ecosystem management at a landscape scale. Pages 162-170 in R. D'Eon, J.F. Johnson, and E.A. Ferguson, editors. Ecosystem management of forested landscapes: directions and implementation. UBC Press. Vancouver, B.C.
- Haufler, J.B. 1999. Strategies for conserving terrestrial biological diversity. Pages 17-30 in R.Baydack, H. Campa, and J. Haufler, editors. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
- Haufler, J.B. 1999. Contrasting approaches for the conservation of biodiversity. Pages 219-232 in R.Baydack, H. Campa, and J. Haufler, editors. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press. Washington, D.C.
- Haufler, J.B., T. Crow, and D. Wilcove. 1999. Scale considerations for ecosystem management. Pgs. 331-342 in R. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, W.T. Sexton, and A.J. Malk, editors. Ecological stewardship: a common reference for ecosystem management. Elsevier Science. Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Haufler, J.B., C.A. Mehl and G. J. Roloff. 1999. Conserving biological diversity using a coarse filter approach with a species assessment. Pg. 107-116 in R.Baydack, H. Campa, and J. Haufler, editors. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
- Kernohan, B.J., and J.B. Haufler. 1999. Implementation of an effective process for the conservation of biological diversity Pg. 233-250 in R.Baydack, H. Campa, and J. Haufler, editors. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
- Mehl, C.A., and J.B. Haufler. 1999. An ecosystem diversity matrix for riparian and wetland systems. Pages 68-74 in J. Tanaka, editor. Riparian and watershed management in the Interior Northwest: an interdisciplinary perspective. Proc. Symp. E. Oregon State Univ., La Grande, OR Sept. 10-12, 1998. PDF
- Sallabanks, R., P.J. Heglund, J.B. Haufler, B.A. Gilbert, and W. Wall. 1999. Forest fragmentation of the Inland West: issues, definitions, and potential study approaches for forest birds. Pgs. 187-199 in J. Rochelle, L. Lehmann, and J. Wisniewski, editors. Forest fragmentation: wildlife and management implications. Brill Publishers. Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Haufler, J.B. 1998. A strategy for bird research in forested ecosystems of the Western U.S. Pages 219-229 in J. Marzluff and R. Sallabanks, editors. Avian conservation: research and management. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
- Haufler, J.B., et al. 2002. Performance measures for ecosystem management and ecological sustainability. The Wildlife Society Technical Review 02-1. The Wildlife Society, MD.
- Mehl, C.A., R. Steele, S. Warren, B. Holt, J.B. Haufler, and G.J. Roloff. 1998. The Ecosystem Diversity Matrix for the Idaho Southern Batholith Landscape: A users manual. Technical Report, Boise Cascade Corporation, Boise, Idaho. 42pp.
- Haufler, J.B., et al., 1996. Wildlife management in North American wilderness. Wildlife Society Technical Review 96-1. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MD, USA.
- Haufler, J.B. 1996. Planning for forest management and biodiversity at a landscape level: an approach to landscape restoration. Pages 103-108 in D. Pearson and C. Klimas, editors. The role of restoration in ecosystem management. Soc. of Ecological Restoration.
- Haufler, J., and B. Rieman. 2011. Integration of terrestrial and aquatic restoration in the Clearwater Valley of Northwestern Montana. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference 76: in press.
- Haufler, J. B., and L. H. Suring. 2011. A metric system for evaluating off-site mitigation for ecosystem services and wildlife habitat in sagebrush ecosystems. Pages 265-277 in: Wambolt et al, compilers. 15th Wildland Shrub Symposium Proceedings. S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, Logan, UT.
- Ganguli, A.C., J.B. Haufler, C.A. Mehl, and J.D. Chew. 2011. Incorporating historical ecosystem diversity into conservation planning efforts in grass and shrub ecosystems. Pages 171-178 in: Wambolt et al, compilers. 15th Wildland Shrub Symposium Proceedings. S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, Logan, UT.
- Ganguli, A. D., J. B. Haufler, C. A. Mehl, and S. C. Yeats. 2011. Ecological assessment of sagebrush grasslands in Eastern Wyoming. Pages 249- 258 in: Wambolt et al, compilers. 15th Wildland Shrub Symposium Proceedings. S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, Logan, UT.
- Kroll, A.J. and J.B. Haufler. 2010. Measuring ecologically important quantities at relevant operational scales: an example using the dusky flycatcher in selectively-logged forests in Idaho. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 715-722.
- Haufler, J. 2010. Restoring grassland ecosystems in Nebraska. Pages 39-45 in: P. Murray, editor. Proceedings of the 2010 Nebraska Grazing Conference. University of Nebraska,
- Haufler, J. B., J. W. Thomas, R. Sparrowe, J. Miller, and E. Campbell. 2009. The abuse of science. The Wildlife Professional 3(3):44-45.
- Kroll, A.J. and J.B. Haufler. 2009. Age and clutch size variation in Dusky Flycatcher nest survival. Journal of Ornithology150: 409-417.
- Kroll, A. J., and J. B. Haufler. 2007. Evaluating habitat quality for the dusky flycatcher. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 14-22.
- Kroll, A. J., and J. B. Haufler. 2006. Development and evaluation of habitat models at multiple spatial scales: A case study with the dusky flycatcher. For Ecol.Mgmt 229:161-169.
- Sallabanks, R.,J.B. Haufler, and C.A. Mehl. 2006. Influence of forest vegetation structure on avian community composition in West-Central Idaho. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 34:1079-1093.
- Haufler, J. B. 2000. Ecosystem management: from rhetoric to reality. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 65:11-33.
- Roloff, G. J., and J. B. Haufler. 1997. Establishing population viability planning objectives on habitat potentials. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:895-904.
- Haufler, J. B., C. A. Mehl and G. J. Roloff. 1996. Using a coarse filter approach with a species assessment for ecosystem management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:200-208.
- Haufler, J. B. 1995. Forest industry partnerships for ecosystem management. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 60:422-432.
- Haufler. J. B. 1994. An ecological framework for planning for forest health. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 2:307-316.
- Morgan, P., G. H. Aplet, J. B. Haufler, H. C. Humpries, M. M. Moore, and W. D. Wilson. 1994. Historical range of variability: a useful tool for evaluating ecosystem change. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 2:87-111 or Pages 87-111 in R.N. Sampson and D.L. Adams, eds., Assessing forest ecosystem health in the Inland West. The Hawthorne Press, Inc.